With the change in lifestyle of people in the 21st century, eating habits have also undergone a drastic change. In this demanding era stress and work, pressure has also resulted in man living an unhealthy and exhausting life.
Obesity is the most rising and alarming disease which has affected all the people around the world. Obesity has several negative impacts on the other organs of the body including heart attacks, fatty liver and brain strokes.
Thus we need to find out ways to keep ourselves healthy and fit. With the shift of work from the office to home and digital mode of study, the activities of life have been centred around a single work desk with little scope for movement in the whole day.
As a result, unhealthy eating habits, excess junk food consumption and poor sitting posture along with the prolonged duration of sitting and limited exercise have escalated manifold.
One major symptom has been the increased belly fat in adults as well as children. But definitely, there are measures to work on reducing our belly fat and minimising the risk of fat accumulation around our hip region. Let's check out some easy hacks for reducing belly fat at home.
1. Home Remedies
One of the most effective home remedies includes honey and warm water. It is very useful in reducing excess fat and restoring you to your healthy and fit shape. Make sure you stir a spoonful of honey in lukewarm water and drink it every morning before breakfast. Drinking the substance solution on an empty stomach is highly beneficial and you will start noticing the difference in no time.
2. Consumption of Dietary Fibers
Always remember to include an adequate amount of roughage and dietary fibers in your meal. Try consuming oatmeal, and other whole grains when you are feeling hungry. These whole grains will fill your stomach for a long time and you will be able to cut down on other food items during the day. They also instil the feeling of thirst and this will, in turn, be useful as drinking a lot of water will clear your alimentary system and initiate proper digestion.
3. Cut Down on Trans Fat
Bad fat which is also called trans fat is very harmful to one's body as it gets deposited around the belly region or even your heart muscles and blood vessels. If you are planning on reducing your belly, completely cut down on fat and other junk food which are fried in unhealthy oil. Instead consume healthy snacks such as whole-grain biscuits and noodles which will satiate your hunger as well as not prove to be harmful to the body.
4. Always Avoid Drinking Alcohol
To minimise the damage already caused, avoid drinking any kind of alcohol. Alcohol can result in the addition of excess fat and result in fatty liver and other ailments. Belly fat can considerably be reduced by avoiding the consumption of alcohol.
5. Reduce Sugar and Incorporate Proteins
Abdominal fats can be reduced by eating protein-rich food and avoiding sugar in food. Artificial sweetening agents are also harmful to the body and lead to fat accumulation in the liver and around the belly.
6. Exercise and Plan Regular Workout Sessions
Exercise is very beneficial in terms of reducing weight and losing belly fat. Plan out the cardio workout and light exercise at least five days a week for at least half an hour every day. Yoga and meditation will also help as there are yoga classes that you can attain from home to establish the purpose.
7. Drink Green Tea
You should replace your normal tea with green tea because they are brilliant antioxidants that help to burn out excess fat. They contain the antioxidant named catechin which will help you get rid of your belly fat in a very quick manner. They have additional benefits of increasing the metabolism rate manifold in turn initiating faster digestion and a healthy gut.
8. Do Portion Control
This is a very helpful tactic in reducing body weight as well as excess belly fat. All you need to do is eat only the exact amount you need for satisfying your hunger. Eat for need and not for greed. Always divide your food intake and distribute it throughout the day instead of having three large meals.
9. Include Probiotics
Probiotic supplements are taken to reduce belly fat effectively. However, always consult a dietician or health expert before you start taking any supplement. The regular dosage is variable for every individual and best recommended by doctors. It is clinically researched that women have lost fifty per cent of belly fat over three months. Having a healthy gut will help you digest food faster.
Hence the excess fat will not accumulate around the belly and you will be able to control the overall weight. Maintaining proper posture while sitting and walking should also be taken care of.