A chaat with a tangy, spicy, and delicious combination of chutney and spices! Yup, we are talking about a classic aloo matar chaat recipe! You have several ingredients in it like matar, sprouts, and potatoes which are good for your health. If your kids do not like sprouts or matar, they will certainly find this way of eating healthy, interesting, and yummy! Here are some tips that we would love to share with you! Hope you have fun enjoying this delicious delicacy. By the end of this article, you will know everything about a homemade aloo matar chaat! Let's get started then?

Why should you make aloo matar chaat?
Rather the question should be, why not? Everything about a plate of aloo matar chaat is simply splendid and you are going to prepare yourself a gorgeous aloo matar chaat.
You will need a pressure cooker to boil the potatoes as well the matar, sprouts, etc. One cup of white peas is more than enough for a few plates of aloo matar chaat. Remember, that in such types of chaats, the proportion of potatoes to matar should have more potato than matar.
General steps to making aloo matar chaat at home
If you are confused and not quite sure about how to go with the process of aloo matar chaat, first of all, let us tell you, it is a pretty simple and easy thing to do! All you need to do is some pretty basic preps and then assemble them on a platter. Well, that is how your aloo matar chaat will be ready in no time.
You can boil some potatoes initially and then allow them to cool down for at least thirty minutes before you peel the skin! Once that is done, you can start by adding some chopped onions to your bowl. Along with that goes in seasonings like cumin powder, black pepper, and chili powder. Squeeze a few droplets of lemon juice and you are done.
For an aloo matar chaat, you can choose to keep the aloo just in its boiled state or fry it in the pan. This will certainly escalate the flavor of your chaat and make it even more hard to resist. Plus, if you find mashed potatoes boring frying them is a better option. Do not forget to season with some oil as well. Served with matar, aloo chaat turns out to be a great healthy snack for the kids. Marinated with ground spices, tamarind, and mint paste, this is a hot favorite among all age groups.
How much should you cook the potatoes for aloo matar chaat?
Once the potatoes are boiled, you should drain them thoroughly! Leaving water in the bowl can turn them soggy and you don't wish to deal with that when it comes to chaats, trust us! Allow them to cool down for at least thirty minutes before you begin to chop-chop! Dry the surface further with a paper towel! This will help to get crispier potatoes when they are fried.
Of course, the oil should be hot to cook the potatoes but never too hot it can affect the texture and even burn your potatoes while frying. Ideally, the temperature should be around 180°. So if you have a kitchen thermometer use it to make sure you are getting it right. See, you don't wish to deep fry the potatoes, just a slight golden brown hint is all you need.
Is there a way to check that your potatoes are done
Of course, there is! If you can push a fork into the potatoes after it is boiled and it feels tender then your potatoes are done! Some varieties of potatoes will take longer than others so you need to make sure which is the kind you are picking, and do not mix them up.
What are the ingredients that you can use for garnishing
Well, you cannot possibly make a chaat without chaat masala! It has to be tarty and gives such a rich taste to the overall garnish. Combined with black pepper and cumin powder, your aloo chaat is going to be an absolute show-stopper. And don't forget to add some tamarind sauce for the sour essence.
Can you make aloo chaat ahead of time?
Good question. Can you? Well, in our opinion you should serve aloo chaat fresh! It is pretty simple so there is no point in making it ahead of time. Plus, when combined, your chaat might run the risk of turning bad if eaten after hours. There is an onion that can go bad, the potatoes are also easily spoiled. So you have to be careful with the duration you maintain between making and serving the aloo matar chaat.