That buzzing coming from the ground in your yard might not be bees; it might be due to cicada killers or ground hornets. While most of these hornets aren't dangerous unless you agitate them (after all, the males don't even have stingers) if you have pets or children who don't know any better, you could end up with a problem.
So what should you do? We're here to talk about how to get rid of ground hornets in your yard so you can keep your family safe. Read on to learn more.

Try Soapy Water
Did you know that something as simple as soapy water might be the key to getting rid of ground hornets? This trick won't always work, and you have to be careful, but it's cheap and easy.
You're going to need protective clothing, about a gallon of hot water, and some dish soap. You should have everything you need already.
Mix together hot water (not boiling, but too hot to submerge your hand in) and dish soap and mix it around until suds form. When you're all geared up, quickly go to the ground hornet nest, dump the water, and return inside as fast as possible.
Observe the nest for a few days, and if there are still hornets, try something new.
Try a DIY Trap to Get Rid of Ground Hornets
Did you know that hornets seek out different meals throughout the year? When it's warm out, you're going to want to trap them with meat. When it's cool out, you'll want to try sweet liquid, like juice.
Cut a 2-liter soda bottle in half and tuck the top half into the bottom half, top-down (so it forms a funnel). In the bottom half, put your bait (the meat or juice). Place this near the nest.
Over time, hornets will go into the bottle for a snack and be unable to find their way out through the small bottle opening.
Block off Their Nest
This is another risky move, but it's super effective and it doesn't require any expensive materials. If you can block off the hornets' nest, you should be able to get rid of the hive. You're going to need a bag of soil, protective clothing, and several bricks.
Wait until after dark when the hornets should be at their least active. In your protective clothing, quickly fill the opening to the hive with soil. Layer bricks on top and go a bit beyond the border of the hive because the hornets may try to dig out.
Consider Hiring a Pro
Do these suggestions seem scary? Ground hornets removal can be tricky, so it might be best to let a professional take care of it.
Find a local pest control expert that specializes in outdoor pests, like They'll make quick work of your ground hornet problem while you stay safe and sound indoors.
That's How to Get Rid of Ground Hornets
If you're not quite sure how to get rid of ground hornets in your yard, remember that hiring a professional is always a valid option. If you're feeling brave, try one of these DIY methods, but make sure to wear protective clothing!
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