This is an alarming fear whether our houses are safe all the time against burglars and rogues or not! Even when you are present inside the house, there are chances of someone breaking into your house. Now that is quite scary and dangerous because it is not only the property and the valuables that are at risk, we cannot rule away from the possibility that these intruders may harm you too.
So it's always necessary to secure the house from trespassers and unwanted thievery. What you can is, take the following precautions against unforeseen circumstances. No one wants their house to be robbed and therefore you have to take steps against one. We will advise you not to be overconfident about the pre-installed security measures because everything needs a check-up from time to time. Hence, always be careful with the risk factors and your ways to combat them.
Ensure the gates are sturdy-
Flimsy gates and main doors will give way to security issues. For instance, if the door is old or the main gate is rusted, you should immediately get them repaired or replaced too. The door locks should be automated without the traditional key and lock mechanism. The latches should be checked every once in a few days. You never have to exercise caution with every little thing around. For instance, the window slides have to be repaired if there is a block in its way or if the lock has loosened up. Do not use glasses for the windows which are of see-through variety. No one outside the house should get a glimpse of what is going on inside the premises.
Bathroom and Kitchen
You must also remember to check the details of the house. For instance, the small window in the bathroom or under the stairs or in the pantry upstairs. These are the zones that are common gateways for someone who wishes to break into your house. You often neglect these spots but the rogues are always watchful for these kinds of easy passages to sneak in quietly.
Make sure to have a sharp tool always handy for averting danger. Keep them close by so that you can use them if the time comes. The fences should be fixed and window bars should be added. This will hinder the movement of people into the house through the window. Even if they can break the glass, cutting off the bars is tough. This will raise an alarm and you'll get some time to call for the police.
Safety practices at home
Never discuss anything regarding where you have stored your valuables or where the important documents are kept in front of a stranger like a house helper, gardener or security man. Such private discussions should be done away from the crowd. Even keep children away from these topics as they are innocent and it is easy to trick them into revealing information.
Always keep the corridors and the garden premises lit when you have gone to bed. A dark shady house will attract more rogues than a house that has an adequate light supply. This will indicate activity inside your home and intruders will avoid breaking in when people are awake. Also having pets like vigilant dogs can ensure the safety of your house. They are watchful and always alert. They can smell the foreign odour and trace the path of breakage and stop it on time.
Security System
You can also set up a security system along with multiple surveillance cameras put up around the landscape. Such homes are seldom prone to burglars as they fear getting caught. You can also go for smart door installation with LCD displays. This ensures that you do not open the door to questionable salesmen or other intruders. You can watch them on the display screen and question their cause of visiting you. If you aren't convinced , the smart doors are impossible to forcefully open from outside.
Garden and Garage
Always watch out for the garage and the shed in the garden. The garage houses your car and the shed is tie storeroom of many costly tools and machinery. You always need to keep them shut and lock up the doors and windows. Do not leave the keys around or it shall be stolen or may get misplaced. Do not let the house helpers or assistants know about where you keep the keys. Place them in unpredictable places so that only you and your immediate family members are aware of the location.
Warm Up
You should not blindly trust the security man even. It is always recommended to hire security men from authentic security departments and offices. Governmental organisations provide you with trusted men whose background is cleared of any wrongdoings. Avoid hiring from private agencies as they will not take responsibility in case of any anomaly. Call in experienced carpenters or contractors to always fix the roofs on an annual basis. Doors to the terrace should be locked after it turns dark outside.