Magnet fishing was once a rare activity. Although this is still the case in certain parts of the world, it is not the situation in most parts of Europe and the United States. More people are buying into the idea of hunting for items in large water bodies. For more on this subject, you can visit: WSJ
Considering the increasing number of people indulging in this activity, you may want to follow suit. Well, this is a good idea as long as you know how to go about it. You need to use the right gears and play safe, amongst other things.

This is about some of the things you should know before engaging in this activity. Fortunately, some of these things will be raised and discussed here. We suggest that you keep reading and that you pay attention even as you do so.
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People Find Lots of Things
Before magnet fishing became this popular in Europe and even the United States, some people doubted the possibility of finding so many items in water bodies. Many of such people have been surprised. This is especially those that have indulged in the activities themselves. The reason is that lots of people (past and present) dump things in large water bodies. So, magnet fishing allows people to see some of the things that have ended up in these water bodies.
The point here is that people that engage in this activity see rare items from time to time. This is especially the case in certain water bodies. So, you might want to find out where you are likely to see items judging from the experiences of other magnet fishing lovers.
Some People Find Things Are Dangerous
There is so much suspense associated with this activity. The truth is that this is one of the things that make it an intriguing activity for some. They like the feeling that comes with pulling up their magnet (and possibly grappling hook) and not knowing what is caught until they eventually see it.
Be that as it may, you should know that the excitement can be short-lived for some. This can be the case for people that catch dangerous items. You can imagine catching a grenade that can explode. This has been the experience of some people. For this reason, you should make sure to inform the authorities if you have this experience.
The authorities are in the best position to deal with such items. In addition to this, there may be more of such dangerous items from where it was found. So, the authorities may have to do a thorough search to make sure lives are secure.
Do Not Leave Additional Mess
Some environmentalists have gone as far as encouraging magnet fishing. Some are quiet about it but this can be interpreted to mean that they do not have a problem with this activity. On the other extreme, some environmentalists do not appreciate the activity.
There are reasons for this divide in opinion. Those that support the activity often claim that it helps make the water bodies cleaner and purer. This is thanks to how some of the items that pollute the waters are removed through this activity.
Unfortunately, some people complicate things further by not properly handling what they have caught. This is by leaving the surrounding areas in a messy state. This is one of the reasons some environmentalists are against magnet fishing. The point here is that whatever you discover during magnet fishing should be handled properly.
Understand the Law
The question “is magnet fishing legal?” is one of the most asked questions by those interested in partaking in this activity. For one, it is ideal that you have an answer to this question. This is so that you do not get on the wrong side of the law.
On this note, you should know that the laws are dependent on the location. So, let us see if this activity is legal or not in the following places:
The United States
As at the time of writing this, partaking in this activity is not a violation of any law in this country. So, people interested in magnet fishing have a lot of freedom to perform this activity. But even with this freedom, care must be taken. This is to avoid the dangers associated with this activity.
The United Kingdom
Frankly, it is hard to answer as the situation is quite complicated here. There is a body that controls the waterways in this location. They are known as the Canal and River Trust. If you are said to have violated any laws by magnet fishing, then it is definitely because you have violated a bylaw of this body.
Use the Right Gear
Your chances of success when magnet fishing depends a lot on the gear you use. So, you are strongly advised to use the right gear. On this note, some of the tools that you would need include the following:
It is a magnet, and this cannot be disputed. However, it is a lot different from the regular kinds of magnets. One of the reasons for this is that it is built to attract and bring up heavy things. You can imagine a magnet bringing up a bicycle.
This is why you should be particular about getting the right kind. We suggest that you go for double-sided magnets as they are better than many other alternatives
Grappling Hook
This is not a necessity for some people. They only trust the magnet to put up the items caught. Well, we advise that you use this tool as well as it makes catching the items easier.
You should not only be concerned about getting top-quality magnets and grappling hooks. It is equally important that the ropes used are of top quality.
On a Final Note
There are some things that you need to know before indulging in Magnet Fishing. We have discussed some of them here and hope that you paid attention to them. We also hope that you take them seriously.